Main Engiqueering

Manual of Me

I've been talking about putting together a proper Manual of Me for so long now, so here it is. 💜 This largely applies to those who work directly with me, but hopefully it's useful to those I interact with elsewhere.

So to begin with, the basics. I'm Joe, I'm a Senior Site Reliability Engiqueer at the Government Digital Service in the UK. My pronouns are They/Them, I'm 28 (TODO: update this/work out a way to automate this before it becomes outdated) and I live with my Corgi/Poodle Peggy!

Usual disclaimers apply, this is super WIP, will update as I think of things!

Conditions I like to work in

The times I like to work

The best way to communicate with me

The ways I like to receive feedback

Things I struggle with

Things I love